Hello & Welcome! 樂事圍浸信會歡迎你 ! 乐事围浸信会欢迎你 !

Riverwood Baptist Church

By the grace of God we prayerfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that people might be saved and grow to maturity. 我們靠着神的恩典,竭力宣揚耶穌基督的福音,使人得救,並靈命成長。 我们靠着神的恩典,竭力宣扬耶稣基督的福音,使人得救,并灵命成长。

Find Out More 關於我們 关于我们

Who are we? 關於我們 关于我们

Founded in 1994, Riverwood Baptist Church (formerly known as Hurstville Chinese Baptist Church) is an English and Chinese speaking church serving the Riverwood community. 樂事圍浸信會(原名: 樂事圍華人浸信會)於1994年成立,以英語、粵語及國語服侍 Riverwood 社區。 乐事围浸信会(原名: 乐事围华人浸信会)在1994年成立,以英语、粤语和普通话服侍 Riverwood 社区。

Church address: 1a Amy Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210 教會地址: 1a Amy Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210 教会地址: 1a Amy Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210

Sunday Services 週日崇拜 周日崇拜

We meet every Sunday at the following times: 我們逢星期日於以下時間聚會: 我们逢星期日在以下时间聚会:

Cantonese Service 廣東話 (早堂) 广东话 (早堂)

Our 8:45am-10am morning Cantonese worship service is in the main hall. 上午8:45至10點

English Service 英語 英语

Our 11:30am-12:45pm English worship service is in the church’s main hall, with Children’s Sunday School running at the same time. 上午11:30 至下午 12:45
上午11:30 至下午 12:45

Cantonese Service 廣東話 (午堂) 广东话 (午堂)

Our 11:30am-12:45pm Cantonese worship service is in the church’s side hall, with combined Children’s Sunday School running at the same time (in English). 上午11:30至下午12:45

Mandarin Service 國語 普通话

Our 11:30am-12:45pm Mandarin worship service is located upstairs on level 1 (lift access available). Children’s Sunday School is running at the same time (in English). 上午11:30至下午12:45
教會一樓 (設有電梯)
教会一楼 (設有电梯)

Our Values 教會理念 教会理念

With God's help, these are our church's values which we strive to follow. 在神的引導下,我們竭力持守以下的基督教價值: 在神的引导下,我们竭力持守以下的基督教价值:

Our Beliefs 教會信仰 教会信仰

As a church belonging to Jesus Christ, we believe: 作為基督的教會, 我們相信 : 作为基督的教会, 我们相信 :

The Nature and Unity of the Godhead 獨一真神 独一真神

There is one God who is eternal, personal Spirit. He is infinite in power, wisdom, holiness and love. He is Triune in essential Being and revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 神只有一位,是永恆不變有位格的靈。祂有無限的能力、智慧、聖潔和慈愛。祂本是三位一體,以聖父、聖子、聖靈向我們啟示。 神只有一位,是永恒不变有位格的灵。祂有无限的能力、智慧、圣洁和慈爱。祂本是三位一体,以圣父、圣子、圣灵向我们启示。

The Deity and Humanity of Christ 基督的神性和人性 基督的神性和人性

Jesus Christ, as the second Person of the Godhead, is eternally one with God the Father of Whose Person and glory He is the accurate expression. To become man, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, so that two whole and perfect natures, the nature of God and the nature of man, were united in one Person; truly God and truly man. 耶穌基督是真神的第二位格,自太初與父神同在,是父神榮耀的真像。衪是從聖靈感孕,由童貞女馬利亞所生。因此神性和人性這兩個完整的本性在祂一人身上得到了合一,是完全神和完全人。 耶稣基督是真神的第二位格,自太初与父神同在,是父神荣耀的真像。 衪是从圣灵感孕,由童贞女马利亚所生。 因此神性和人性这两个完整的本性在祂一人身上得到了合一,是完全神和完全人。

The Holy Spirit 聖靈 圣灵

The Holy Spirit as the third Person of the Trinity is eternally one with the Father and the Son yet He is sent by them to achieve the Divine purpose in the world and in the Church. 聖靈是三位一體真神的第三位格,自太初與聖父和聖子同在,受聖父和聖子的差遣,到普世和教會完成神所托付的聖工。 圣灵是三位一体真神的第三位格,自太初与圣父和圣子同在,受圣父和圣子的差遣,到普世和教会完成神所托付的圣工。

The Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures 聖經是神的啟示 圣经是神的启示

The Scriptures, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, are the infallible Word of God. They were written by holy men of God inspired by the Holy Spirit and have supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 聖經包括新約和舊約,共六十六卷,是神絕無謬誤的話語,由聖徒在聖靈的默示下所寫成的,在基督徒之信仰和行為方面均具有最高的權威。 圣经包括新约和旧约,共六十六卷,是神绝无谬误的话语,由圣徒在圣灵的默示下所写成的,在基督徒之信仰和行为方面均具有最高的权威。

The Sinfulness of Man 人的罪 人的罪

Man was made in the image of God and for fellowship with Him. By transgression of God's command He fell from fellowship with God and His nature was corrupted. As a consequence, all men are spiritually dead under Satan's dominion and control and subject to God's wrath and condemnation. Therefore, apart from God's grace, man is helpless and hopeless. 神按自己的樣式創造了人,與其相交。人違背神的命令,破壞了神與人的相交,以致本性墮落。由於人的靈性已死,受到撒但的控制和支配,因此伏在神的憤怒和審判之下。這樣,離開了神的恩典,人是無助和無望的。 神按自己的样式创造了人,与其相交。 人违背神的命令,破坏了神与人的相交,以致本性堕落。 由于人的灵性已死,受到撒但的控制和支配,因此伏在神的愤怒和审判之下。 这样,离开了神的恩典,人是无助和无望的。

Christ's Atonement for the Sin of Man 基督為人贖罪 基督为人赎罪

In order to redeem mankind from the guilt, penalty and power of sin, Jesus Christ became man and died a sacrificial death as our representative substitute. By His resurrection, God's acceptance of His atoning death was demonstrated. This atonement is sufficient for the whole world but effective only in those who receive it. The sinner is justified and reconciled to God, not through any personal merit but solely on the basis of God's gracious gift of salvation in Jesus Christ received through faith. 為了拯救人類離開罪,脫離懲罰和罪的管轄,耶穌基督降世為人,擔當世人的罪,為世人犧牲。基督的復活,證明了神接受祂為我們的代死。此贖罪祭足以拯救全世界,但只對接受的人才有效。人的罪得赦,恢復與神和好,並不是靠個人的好行為,完全是基於神藉著耶穌基督救贖的恩典,我們因信才能得著拯救。 为了拯救人类离开罪,脱离惩罚和罪的管辖,耶稣基督降世为人,担当世人的罪,为世人牺牲。基督的复活,证明了神接受祂为我们的代死。此赎罪祭足以拯救全世界,但只对接受的人才有效。人的罪得赦,恢复与神和好,并不是靠个人的好行为,完全是基于神借着耶稣基督救赎的恩典,我们因信才能得着拯救。

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation 聖靈在救贖中所做的工作 圣灵在救赎中所做的工作

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the acceptance of God's provision of salvation. The Holy Spirit convinces sinners of their sinfulness, leads them to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and so brings them to spiritual birth as God's children and to fellowship in Christ. Working within the life of believers the Holy Spirit makes real the presence of Christ, witnesses to their relationship with God, leads into all truth, bestows gifts for effective service and produces graces for holy living. 要接受神所預備的救贖,聖靈的工作是必不可少的。聖靈叫罪人認識自己的罪,引導他們悔改,接受耶穌基督作為個人生命的主及救主,在靈裏重生,得作神的兒女,並在基督裏相交。在信徒的生活裏,聖靈讓他們真實地經歷基督的存在,見證自己與神的關係。聖靈引導他們進入真理,又賜予恩賜,讓他們有效地事奉和加添恩典給他們去過聖潔的生活。 要接受神所预备的救赎,圣灵的工作是必不可少的。圣灵叫罪人认识自己的罪,引导他们悔改,接受耶稣基督作为个人生命的主及救主,在灵里重生,得作神的儿女,并在基督里相交。在信徒的生活里,圣灵让他们真实地经历基督的存在,见证自己与神的关系。圣灵引导他们进入真理,又赐予恩赐,让他们有效地事奉和加添恩典给他们去过圣洁的生活。

The Church 教會 教会

The Church is the body of people whom God has separated from the world through faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. All regenerate persons are members of the universal Church of God which takes local form wherever groups of believers unite for worship, fellowship and service in accordance with scriptural principles. All believers are called to a priestly ministry in the offering of spiritual sacrifices and sent into the world to be witnesses. God calls individuals to positions of oversight and leadership or to special ministries. The Church recognises such by ordaining pastors, commissioning missionaries, appointing deacons and other leaders, following New Testament practice. 教會是神將一群接受耶穌基督為生命的主及救主的人從世界分別出來而組成的團體。所有重生的人都是神普世教會的會友,並遵照聖經的教導在各地聚會,一起敬拜、相交和事奉。所有信徒都是被呼召出來作祭司,成為活祭,且被差派到世界各地作見證。神呼召個別信徒擔任監督和領導的職務或做特別的傳道事工。教會跟從新約的做法,通過按立牧師,委派差傳,委任執事和其他領袖來確認神對他們的呼召。 教会是神将一群接受耶稣基督为生命的主及救主的人从世界分别出来而组成的团体。所有重生的人都是神普世教会的会友,并遵照圣经的教导在各地聚会,一起敬拜、相交和事奉。所有信徒都是被呼召出来作祭司,成为活祭,且被差派到世界各地作见证。神呼召个别信徒担任监督和领导的职务或做特别的传道事工。教会跟从新约的做法,通过按立牧师,委派差传,委任执事和其他领袖来确认神对他们的呼召。

The Baptism of Believers Only by immersion 只以浸禮來給信徒施浸 只以浸礼来给信徒施浸

Baptism is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a public declaration of a person's faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. In accordance with New Testament Scripture it should be administered only by total immersion which symbolises the believer's identification with Christ in death, burial and resurrection, the remission of sins and the believer's dedication of himself to God to live and walk in newness of life. 浸禮是主耶穌基督頒下的命令。人藉著浸禮來公開承認耶穌基督是個人生命的主和救主。根據新約,浸禮必須是全身浸入水中,表徵著信徒與基督同死,同埋葬和同復活,罪得赦免和信徒將自己奉獻予神,過新的生活。 浸礼是主耶稣基督颁下的命令。人借着浸礼来公开承认耶稣基督是个人生命的主和救主。根据新约,浸礼必须是全身浸入水中,表征着信徒与基督同死,同埋葬和同复活,罪得赦免和信徒将自己奉献予神,过新的生活。

The Communion 聖餐 圣餐

The Lord's Supper is an ordinance of the Lord Jesus Christ, instituted by Him to be celebrated with the elements of bread and wine by believers in Christ until the end of the age. It commemorates and declares our thanks for the Lord's substitutionary death. The celebration of the ordinance expresses our fellowship with and in the Lord Jesus Christ as members of the Body of which He is the Head. 聖餐是主耶穌基督頒下的命令。祂親自設立了聖餐,要信徒以餅和酒來記念主,直到世界的末了。我們以這種方式來記念和感謝主為我們受死,也表達了我們在主耶穌基督裏的彼此相交,教會是身子,基督是教會的元首。 圣餐是主耶稣基督颁下的命令。祂亲自设立了圣餐,要信徒以饼和酒来记念主,直到世界的末了。我们以这种方式来记念和感谢主为我们受死,也表达了我们在主耶稣基督里的彼此相交,教会是身子,基督是教会的元首。

The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ 主耶穌基督的再來 主耶稣基督的再来

At the end of this age, according to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in His glory to the earth. The full consummation of the Kingdom of God awaits His return. 耶穌基督應許了我們末日時祂會親身再來,地上得見祂的榮耀。神國度的完成有待基督的再來。 耶稣基督应许了我们末日时祂会亲身再来,地上得见祂的荣耀。神国度的完成有待基督的再来。

The Resurrection of the Dead 從死裏復活 从死里复活

At the end of the age, there is to be a resurrection both of the righteous and the unrighteous. After death, the bodies of men return to dust, but their spirits return immediately to God - the righteous to be with Him and the unrighteous to be reserved for the judgement. 義人和不義的人都要在末日復活。人死後身體要歸回塵土,但靈魂立刻歸回神那裡去--- 義人與神在一起,不義的人等待審判。 义人和不义的人都要在末日复活。人死后身体要归回尘土,但灵魂立刻归回神那里去--- 义人与神在一起,不义的人等待审判。

Rewards and Punishments in a Future State 未來國度裏的獎懲 未来国度里的奖惩

God has appointed a day of final judgement for the world. At that time, Jesus Christ will judge every man and each will receive reward or punishment according to his deeds. Those judged righteous, in their resurrected and glorified bodies, will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. 神已定了審判世界的日子。屆時耶穌基督要審判每一個人。各人要按自己所行的獲獎賞或受懲罰。那被定為義的人,其復活和榮耀的身軀得到獎賞,並且永遠與主同住在天上;不義的人被交到地獄裏去接受永遠的懲罰。 神已定了审判世界的日子。届时耶稣基督要审判每一个人。各人要按自己所行的获奖赏或受惩罚。那被定为义的人,其复活和荣耀的身躯得到奖赏,并且永远与主同住在天上;不义的人被交到地狱里去接受永远的惩罚。

Pastoral Team 教會牧者 教会牧者

Meet our pastoral team who serve at Riverwood Baptist Church: 樂事圍浸信會的牧者簡介: 乐事围浸信会的牧者简介:

Noah Ho 何翰博牧師 何翰博牧师

Senior Pastor of Riverwood Baptist Church. 教會主任牧師 教会主任牧师

Simon Nagel 倪子高牧師 倪子高牧师

Pastor of the English-speaking congregation. 英語堂牧師 英语堂牧师

Rebecca Li 李宏宇傳道 李宏宇传道

Pastor of the Mandarin-speaking congregation. 國語堂牧者 普通话堂牧者

Carmen Leung 梁黃家雯傳道 梁黄家雯传道

Pastor for Caring and Women’s Ministry. 關顧和婦女事工牧者 关顾和妇女事工牧者

Contact Us 聯絡我們 联系我们

Feel free to send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible! 歡迎隨時以電郵方式跟我們聯絡,我們會盡快回覆。 欢迎随时以电邮方式跟我们联系,我们会尽快回覆。

Riverwood Baptist Church is in affiliation with the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT.

NSW & ACT Baptist Association